Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March-Learning and Living the Gospel

Under Learning and living the gospel it says to read D&C 89. Then discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the word of wisdom. Help plan and conduct an activity to teach the Word of Wisdom to others. This would be great to read with them and let them know what each thing is and means. Then have them plan a family night where they talk about the word of wisdom. Some ideas would be to have them draw the various things that are against the word of wisdom as well as things that are not. Have them add some things that arent healthy but ok in moderation. Then they can pass them out to the family and have a garbage can and then a basket implying ok to have. They could have the family members take turns placing their items where they think they go and then talk about each item, and whether it is for or against and why. It can be a fun learning experience for the and them for others when they do a lesson.